This spectacularly colorful tiny house is 176 square feet of off grid, solar-powered perfection. Looking at this super colorful pink and purple tiny house one would think it comes straight out of a Disney movie.
Perhaps one of the coolest features of the house is the solar panels. The roof was designed specifically to fit the panels, and the colorful shingles staggered to give it a fun checkerboard pattern. Few tiny houses come equipped with solar panels like this, and it’s refreshing to see how nice a job they did on this build. The interior is just as beautiful and functional.

Tiny House Giant Journey | YouTube
Nicki’s finished tiny home cost her just under $60,000 and features gingerbread trim, colorful siding, unique metal roofing, solar power, a combo washer/dryer and an incinerating toilet. Nicki also chose to have french doors on the side of her home as well as a front entrance way. –Tiny House Giant Journey

Tiny House Giant Journey | YouTube
Built by Tiny Green Cabins:
Tiny House Giant Journey