This wonderfully peaceful little cabin in the wilds of Minnesota is powered by a small and inexpensive off grid solar power system which provides more than enough electricity for this tiny cabin.

The Northwoodsman1 on YouTube
“Martin” of The Northwoodsman YouTube channel lives in the cabin and has made many improvements over the years. He’s also got a special relationship with the wildlife in the area. Watch a couple of his videos below.
“This little cabin is hidden deep in the forests of northern Minnesota. Built in the 1920’s and still being inhabited during the 1950 census has now become a special place for a lot of people. Jack L. brought his bride back here in the early 1950’s for their honeymoon year. He then sold it to Everett B. and his fellow farmer-deerhunters. While out exploring on skis Martin happened upon it in 1986 and was able to purchase it with some friends. Many great memories have been journaled since then.” via: TheNorthWoodsman1
“…a low cost solar powered 12 volt LED lighting system at a back-country cabin…”

The Northwoodsman1 on YouTube
“…Martin spends a lot of time at their Minnesota log cabin which sits far from any road…”

The Northwoodsman1 on YouTube
This is an off grid cabin worthy of the name. I don’t know many people who wouldn’t LOVE to live here. Amazing job, Martin!
Latest Small Solar Systems For Cabins 2016 | Cabin Ideas 2017
Saturday 12th of August 2017
[…] low cost off grid solar system for a cute little log cabin in Small Solar Systems For Cabins Latest Small Solar Systems For Cabins 2016 Size: 800 X 442 | Source: […]