Did you know a simple DIY bee watering station can have a huge, positive impact on pollinators? If we want our plants to reproduce, we need to give bees all the help they can get. Bees and other pollinators are the third party gamete delivery service for millions of plant species across the globe, and especially those plants that feed our exploding population.
Just like about every other living thing on our planet, bees need water, and getting that water can be troublesome for little flying creatures that taste good to birds and fishes and don’t really swim well.

Bees can easily drown if there’s nothing to stand on near their water source, and natural waterways hold the threat of predation.
This is old news in the world of the humble bee, but with their numbers in sharp decline, every little edge up on survival could help stave off extinction.

Fortunately, a DIY bee watering station is a very simple and cheap project that will allow you to do your part in the ongoing struggle with Colony Collapse Disorder.
Your watering station can be as simple as a shallow bowl filled with water and a few rocks. Make it a little more fancy by using colored marbles or polished stones. Get creative! The most important factor is to make sure the water level can’t get high enough over the rocks or marbles that bees can drown.

Andrea Izzotti/Shutterstock
So grab a few materials – you probably already have them sitting around the house – and see what you can come up with!
As you can see, it doesn’t have to be complicated. An inexpensive pie tin and a few rocks from around your yard will do the job just fine.

Veritas Crafts
You could also use a bowl of marbles or a self-filling pet-bowl full of rocks. Whatever you choose, a bee watering station is a simple and cheap project that will allow you to do your part in the ongoing struggle with Colony Collapse Disorder.


Randy S | Albuquerque Bee Keepers
Do you have any other ideas for DIY bee waterers? Let us know in the comments! And if you’re ready to take on another project to help pollinators, try making a bee hotel!
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