Food Police Raiding Small Farms: Where’s Our Freedom of Choice?
You hear about Food Police raiding small farms and ranches and mom and pop food shops all the time. It’s not just in the USA but abroad too. The story is …
You hear about Food Police raiding small farms and ranches and mom and pop food shops all the time. It’s not just in the USA but abroad too. The story is …
Would You Live in an Off Grid Community & Farm? That’s a question I once asked myself and a question many other people in the off grid world ask themselves. …
School built in Malawi is completely off grid. Architecture For A Change built this school from shipping containers, and is complete with solar power and a rain water collecting system. …
Here’s how you can make money while living off grid. This list is designed to give you some ideas and inspire some creative thinking on ways to make a living …
Money can’t buy happiness they say…But I argue that it’s easier to be happy if you have money. I’ll even go so far as to say, money can buy my …
See all this beautiful food? It comes from dumpsters! This is food that’s been rescued from dumpsters across America It was wastefully thrown away by grocery stores! This happens all too often. Grocery …
Surjit Singh Kainth grew 1355 cherry tomatoes on 1 plant, and believe it or not, it’s a new Guinness World Record. ‘We were pretty sure it would beat the …
This tree produces 40 different varieties of stone fruit – plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries and almonds, to be exact. With multiple varieties of each fruit. It is a project by …
Setting up a decent-sized aquaponic system does not have to be complicated or expensive. Using a few materials that are easy to attain, you can build a barrel system similar …
20 miles off the coast of Maine on an off-the-grid island, journalist Bruce Porter built this gorgeous little cabin with the help of his architectural designer daughter, Alex. It took …