Aquaponics is an incredibly sustainable and efficient way to grow food. It involves growing plants and fish in one system; fish waste feeds the plants and the plants clean the …
Aquaponics is an incredibly sustainable and efficient way to grow food. It involves growing plants and fish in one system; fish waste feeds the plants and the plants clean the …
In my opinion, algae is the future of biofuels and will help end our addiction to fossil fuels. Farming algae for biofuel can create the renewable energy we need to …
This is a MOD of my original 1280sqft shipping container home design, with an increase of 160sqft achieved by spreading the containers apart another 4 feet. This makes the common …
Would you believe it’s possible to grow 60,000lbs of organic fruits and veggies per acre? According to they can produce approximately 3 tons of food annually (2009) on only …
What’s stopping you from going off grid right now? Is it money? Most likely. Money is the main reason why people don’t go off grid sooner, if ever. Your financial …
This shipping container home concept uses 4 shipping containers for a total of 2560 square feet. At this size, you could easily incorporate 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms into the …
ZeroHouse is a prefab concept home designed by architect Scott Specht. It is an off the grid, high-tech, modular, completely self-sufficient home. It’s a very cool design – similar to …
HIGH TECH OFF GRID LIVING: There are always purists in any group of people, club or niche area of interest. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion, and somehow they believe …
This is another design concept that uses 3 shipping containers for a 1280 square foot ranch style shipping container home. The key here is to maximize floor space with a …
Imagine a 3500 square feet shelter housed in a 40’x8′ shipping container able to be shipped anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. That equates to more than 10 …